Shropshire Junior Association Kickoff Online Sale

Shropshire Junior Association Kickoff Online Sale
Thank you for stopping in at the Shropshire Junior Association Kick-off Sale. The proceeds of the first twelve
lots will go directly to support the Junior Association and its activities. Thank you to the donors of these
items for giving the young ones a hand this year. Most of these items can be delivered to the Ohio
Showcase Sale. We’re proud to stand behind our younger breeders and support their enthusiasm for
this breed. The other awards for the Futurity and NAILE Showmanship are sponsorships. We thank you in advance
for helping to sponsor these very visible awards. The ASRA also offers full color ads on the Shropshire
homepage for one month. They are easy to do with our very talented ad and web designer doing the
hard work for you.
Thanks again for all of your help!
Sandy Kovacs, Junior Committee Chair
Emily Stevens, Junior Association President
Becky Peterson, ASRA secretary